Tropical mixed-species bird flocks
Life histories of tropical birds
Elevational and latitudinal gradients
Department of Zoology and Biodiversity Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC
email:, website:,
2016 – Present PhD, University of British Columbia.
2013 – 2016 MSc, University of British Columbia. Supervisor Dr. Jill Jankowski
"The role of facilitation in structuring tropical bird communities"
1999 – 2003 BSc, Universidad de Antioquia. Supervisor Dr. Gabriel Colorado
"Mixed- species flocks in agroforestry systems in Colombia"
8.Muñoz J. & Colorado G.J. The importance of mixed-species bird flocks participation for migrants and residents: cost and benefits of foraging together. (2021) Journal of Field Ornithology. 92(3) 212-230
7. Muñoz J. & Londoño G. Nesting biology of the plain-throated Antwren (Isleria hauxwelli): an antbird with exceptional life history traits. (2021) Journal of Natural History, 55:29-30, 1825-1839
6. Cantero Margarita, Munoz J., Londoño G. Nesting information for the brown-winged Schiffornis (Schiffornis turdine). (2020) Ornitología Neotropical 31:42-46.
5. Goodale E, Sridhar H, Sieving K, Bangal P, Colorado G, Farine D, Heymann E, Jones H, Krams I, Martínez A, Montaño-Centellas F, Muñoz J, Srinivasan U, Theo A, Shanker K. Mixed company: A framework for understanding the composition and organization of mixed-species animal groups. (2020) Biological reviews 95(4) 889-910.
4. A.L. Hargreaves, Suárez E., Mehltreter K., Myers-Smith I., Vanderplank S., Slinn H., Vargas-Rodriguez Y., Haeussler S., David S., Muñoz J., Almazán-Núñez C, Loughnan D., Benning J., Moeller D, Brodie J., Thomas H., Morales P.A. (2019) Seed predation increases from the Arctic to the Equator and from high to low elevations. Science advances 5(2).
3. David, S., Muñoz, J., Ocampo, D., Estrada, M.C., Cuervo, A.M. (2013) Iris coloration and a case of temporary heterochromy in the Red-Bellied Grackle (Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster). (2013) Ornitología Colombiana. 13:83-88
2. Muñoz J. & Colorado G.J. (2012) Foraging ecology of the Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) in Andean agroforestry ecosystems.) Ornitología Neotropical . 23: 359–366
1. Ocampo, D., Estrada M.C., Muñoz, J., Londoño, L.V., David, S., Valencia, G., Morales P.A., Garizabal J.A., Cuervo, A.M. (2012) Breeding biology of the Red-Bellied Grackle (Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster). A cooperative breeder of the Colombian Andes. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 124(3):538-54
Data Management and Reproducible Research. Canadian Institute of Ecology and Evolution. 2021
Synthetic and Collaborative Science. Canadian Institute of Ecology and Evolution. 2021
2021 Muñoz, J.M, Jankowski J.E, G, Londoño. The role of positive interactions in structuring tropical bird communities. Mixed-species group Symposium. China [online]
2019 Muñoz, J.M & Jankowski J.E. Ranges large, small and why. Neotropical Ornithological Congress. Costa Rica
2018 Muñoz, J.M & Jankowski J.E. Implications of social living. Congreso de Zoologia. Bogota, Colombia
2018 Muñoz, J.M & Jankowski J.E. Choosing between friends and family: Implications of social-living. International Ornithological Conference. Canada .
2016 Muñoz, J.M & Jankowski J.E. Mixed species flocks a clue to understand Tropical bird communities. Ecosummit. France .
2016 Muñoz, J.M & Jankowski J.E. Coffee culture in Colombia; Mixed species flocks a clue to understand Tropical bird communities NAOC conference. USA .
2015 Muñoz, J.M & Jankowski J.E. Mixed flocks a clue to understand Tropical bird communities. Neotropical Ornithological Congress. Brasil. Best student talk award.
2014 Muñoz, J.M & Jankowski J.E. The role of facilitation in community assembly and elevational ranges of tropical birds: Study case of mixed flocks. International Ornithological Conference. Japan.
2014 Muñoz, J.M & Jankowski J.E. The role of positive interactions (mixed species flocks) in community structure and elevational ranges of tropical birds. 51st Animal Behavior Society Conference. Princeton, New Jersey.
2014 Muñoz, J.M & Jankowski J.E. El rol de las interacciones positivas en la estructura de las comunidades de aves tropicalesIV Congreso Colombiano de Zoologia, Colombia, 2014
2011 Muñoz, J.M & Colorado G.J. Foraging in mixed bird flocks in Andean agrofosrestry ecosystems: benefits and cost. Neotropical Ornithological Congress. Peru. Best student talk award.
2011 Muñoz J.M. & Colorado, G.J. Foraging ecology of Dendroica cerulea in Andean agroforestry ecosystems. Neotropical Ornithological Congress. Peru.
2014 Muñoz, J.M., Londoño, L.V., Morales, P. A., Goméz, L., Restrepo, L. Guía ornitológica de la Universidad EAFIT. Medellín, Colombia.
2021 Teaching Assistant. Tropical ecology and Conservation (BIOL 424)
2020 Teaching Assistant. Investigations in Life Science (BIOL 404 Speciation in birds)
2017 Lecture, Amazonia: rights of nature. University of British Columbia.
2017 Teaching Assistant,Methods in Ecology. University of British Columbia.
2017 Teaching Assistant, Genetic Evolution and Ecology. University of British Columbia.
2016 Co-instructor, Tropical Field course. University of British Columbia. Peru, Summer.
2015 Teaching Assistant. Investigations in Life Science. University of British Columbia.
2014 Teaching Assistant. Investigations in Life Science. University of British Columbia.
2012 Instructor, Ornithology and Laboratory, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.
2010 Instructor, Avian ecology course. Sociedad Antioqueña de Ornitología, Colombia
2019 Intern: Living Data Internship Program, Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) - Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Contact Dr.Megan Willie.
2017-2018 Volunteer: Environment and Climate change Canada. Species at risk-Common nighthawk-.
Contact Dr.Wendy Easton (
2018 Science communication and storytelling. Organization for Tropical Studies. Costa Rica.
2011 Bird banding course. SELVA, Research for Neotropical Conservation. Colombia.
2008 Surveillance techniques of avian influenza in wild birds. Wildlife Conservation Society. Colombia
2019 Intern: Living Data Internship Program, Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) - Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Contact Dr.Megan Willie.
2017-2018 Volunteer. Environment and Climate change Canada. Species at risk-Common nighthawk-. Contact Wendy Easton (
2012-2014 Principal investigator. Estructura y composicion de bandadas mixtas en un bosque primario en la Cordillera Occidental de Colombia. SAO, Colombia.
2011-2012 Station manager. What determines the elevation ranges of tropical birds? The relative importance of species interactions and physiology. Manu National Park, Peru.
2006-2011 Co-investigator with Garizabal J.A., Estrada,C., Ocampo, D., Londoño, L., David, S., Morales, P, Valencia, G, and Cuervo, A.M. Breeding biology of Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogasterin a highly disturbed habitat of the Colombian Central Andes, Antioquia, Colombia
2009-2011 Field assistant. Distribution and hábitat use of Cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulea) in the Northern Andes, Colombia.
2009 Field assistant. Effect of biotic interactions and environment gradient on assembly rules of understory Amazonian mixed-species bird flock. Biological station Madre Selva. Loreto, Perú.
2008 Field assistant. Expedition Coeligena orina, onparamo de Tatama, paramo de Cerro Plateado and Paramo de Frontino, Colombia.
2020; 2015 Dennis H. CHITTY Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Ecology
2018 Hesse Research Award in Ornithology
2017Four-Year Fellowship, UBC
2016Werner and Hildegard HESSE Fellowship in Ornithology,
2014 Hesse Research Award in Ornithology
2013 Hesse Research Award in Ornithology
2016 Simons Foundation Doctoral Scholarship
2015 Best student talk award. Neotropical Ornithological Congress Brasil
2015 Zoology Travel award
2015 Dennis H.CHITTY Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Ecology
2014 Travel award, International Ornithological conference, AOU
2014 Travel award, Zoology National conference,
2014 Graduate student travel award, UBC
2013 Wendy Fan Memorial Scholarship
2013 BRITE Travel Award
2013 Graduate Research Grant, BRITE Fellowships
2012 Rufford small grant
2011 Best student talk award. IXth Neotropical Ornithological Congress Peru
2011 Student Research Grant, Sociedad Antioqueña de Ornitología.
2011 US Forest Service, International Programs, Funds for undergraduate thesis
2009 Idea Wild Grant for Field Equipment
2007 Optics for the Tropics Grant for Field Equipment
Animal behavior Society; American Ornithologist Union; Asociación Colombiana de Zoología; Association of Field Ornithologist; Neotropical Ornithological Society; Society of Canadian Ornithologist; Wilson Journal Society.