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Peer review articles


 Muñoz J. & Jankowski. Mixed-species bird assemblages in a community context. (2023) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society []


 J Byrnes; A Brown; K Sheridan; T Peller; J Lawlor; J Beaulieu; J Munoz-Z; A Hesketh; A Pereira; N Knight. (2022) Notes from the Past Show How Local Variability can Stymie Urchins and the Rise of the Reds in the Gulf of Maine (BioRxiv).


G Mangini, C L. Rutt, H Sridhar, G Buitron, J Muñoz, S Robinson, F Montaño-Centellas, A Zarco, M. E Fanjul, G Fernandez, S Xing, E Camerlenghi. (2023) Mixed-species flocks of birds: A classification scheme. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society


Montaño-Centellas FA, Muñoz J, Mangini G, Ausprey, I J, Newell, F L,Jones, H H, Fanjul, M. Elisa, Tinoco BA, Colorado G J, Cahill J, Arbelaez CE, Marin, O, Astudillo, P X, Guevara, E, Ippi, S, McDermott, M E, Rodewald, A,Erick M, Robinson, S K. (2023) Network structure of avian mixed-species flocks decays with elevation and latitude across the Andes. (2023) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 


Muñoz J. & Colorado G.J. The importance of mixed species bird flocks participation for migrants and residents: cost and benefits of foraging together. (2021) Journal of Field Ornithology. 92(3) 212-230  


Muñoz J. & Londoño G. Nesting biology of the plain-throated Antwren (Isleria hauxwelli): an antbird with exceptional life history traits. (2021)  Journal of Natural History, 55:29-30, 1825-1839


Cantero Margarita, Munoz J., Londoño G. Nesting information for the brown-winged Schiffornis (Schiffornis turdine). (2020) Ornitología Neotropical 31:42-46.


Goodale E, Sridhar H, Sieving K, Bangal P,  Colorado G, Farine D, Heymann E, Jones H, Krams I, Martínez A, Montaño-Centellas F, Muñoz J, Srinivasan U,  Theo A, Shanker K. Mixed company: A framework for understanding the composition and organization of mixed-species animal groups. (2020) Biological reviews 95(4) 889-910.


Hargreaves A.L.,  Suárez E.,  Mehltreter K. ,  Myers-Smith I , Vanderplank S. , Slinn H.L , Vargas Y , Haeussler S ,  David S , Muñoz  J. ,  Almazán-Núñez C ,  Loughnan D ,  Benning J , Moeller D , Brodie J,  Morales P. (2019) Seed predation increases from the Arctic to the Equator and from high to low elevations. Science advances 


Muñoz J. & Colorado G.J. (2021) The importance of mixed-species bird flocks participation for migrants and residents: cost and benefits of foraging together . Journal of Field Ornithology. 92(3) 212-230  


David, S., Muñoz, J.M., Ocampo, D., Estrada, M.C., Cuervo, A.M.(2013) Iris coloration and a case of

temporary heterochromia in the Red-Bellied Grackle (Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster). Ornitología Colombiana. 


Muñoz J.M. & Colorado G.J. (2012)  Foraging ecology of the Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) in Andean agroforestry ecosystems.Ornitología Neotropical.


Ocampo, D., Estrada M.C., Muñoz, J.M., Londoño, L.V., David, S., Valencia, G., Morales P.A., Garizabal J.A., Cuervo, A.M. (2012) Breeding biology of the Red-Bellied Grackle (Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster): A cooperative breeder of the Colombian Andes. Wilson Journal of Ornithology.



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